Maman Mulyana S.Si
Kepala Sekolah & Guru Matematika
Adapt these three columns to fit your design need. To duplicate, delete or move columns, select the column and use the top icons to perform your action.
Edi Supardi, M.Ag
Guru Bahasa Arab
To add a fourth column, reduce the size of these three columns using the right icon of each block. Then, duplicate one of the columns to create a new one as a copy.
Lanlan Herliandi, S.Si
Guru Biologi
Delete the above image or replace it with a picture that illustrates your message. Click on the picture to change its rounded corner style.
Wawan Setiawan, S.Sos, MP
Yayasan Manarul Huda
Adapt these three columns to fit your design need. To duplicate, delete or move columns, select the column and use the top icons to perform your action.
Dede Ahmad Syahid, S.Pd
Guru PKN
To add a fourth column, reduce the size of these three columns using the right icon of each block. Then, duplicate one of the columns to create a new one as a copy.
Dede Rahmat, S.Pd
Guru Bahasa Inggris & Indonesia
Delete the above image or replace it with a picture that illustrates your message. Click on the picture to change its rounded corner style.
Imam Hanief A, S.I.Kom
Guru SBK
Adapt these three columns to fit your design need. To duplicate, delete or move columns, select the column and use the top icons to perform your action.
Selaksa Wahyu S, S.ST
Guru PKWU & Sosiologi
To add a fourth column, reduce the size of these three columns using the right icon of each block. Then, duplicate one of the columns to create a new one as a copy.
Khilfa Akmaliatu, S.Pd.i
Guru PAI & Keputrian
Delete the above image or replace it with a picture that illustrates your message. Click on the picture to change its rounded corner style.
Fahmi Kaffata Aqieda, SE
Guru Ekonomi &Sistem Informasi
Adapt these three columns to fit your design need. To duplicate, delete or move columns, select the column and use the top icons to perform your action.
Badar Murokobah
Guru Pendidikan Karakter
To add a fourth column, reduce the size of these three columns using the right icon of each block. Then, duplicate one of the columns to create a new one as a copy.
Wildan Firdaus, S.Ak
Guru Geografi
Delete the above image or replace it with a picture that illustrates your message. Click on the picture to change its rounded corner style.
Dieni Ayuningtias Z, S.Pd
Guru Bahasa Sunda
Adapt these three columns to fit your design need. To duplicate, delete or move columns, select the column and use the top icons to perform your action.
Ridwan Faturohman
To add a fourth column, reduce the size of these three columns using the right icon of each block. Then, duplicate one of the columns to create a new one as a copy.
Rudi Firmansyah
Operator Sekolah
Delete the above image or replace it with a picture that illustrates your message. Click on the picture to change its rounded corner style.
Raihanatai Syahidah, S.Kom
Bendahara BOS
Adapt these three columns to fit your design need. To duplicate, delete or move columns, select the column and use the top icons to perform your action.
Ilham Ibrahim Abdillah, S.Psi
Guru BK & Sejarah
To add a fourth column, reduce the size of these three columns using the right icon of each block. Then, duplicate one of the columns to create a new one as a copy.